Truth behind The National Anthem

Truth Behind The National Anthem 


When India got independence in 1947, for the national anthem one song is selected. The late Shri Ravindranath Tagore has composed it. I heard that he composed that song ‘Jana Mana Gana Adhinayaka’ for welcoming the King Gorge the fifth. However later somebody said that it is wrong to say that Ravindra composed it to welcome king Gorge the fifth. When King Gorge the fifth decided to come in India during 1911, Ravindra composed it. Only on that basis we cannot say that for his welcome he composed it. Moreover he had nationalized mind, then how could he do that act? This is a way of pleading for Ravindra.

 Let me present the truth, I revealed, before all the truth-abiding nationalists.

1) We must see the time when Ravindra composed the song. It is 1911, when King George the fifth was to visit India.

2) It is the acclamation of the ‘Adhinayaka’. ‘Jaya ho’ means Victory is wished for the Adhinayaka. Adhinayaka means the best hero. During 1911 there was no the best hero in India. Therefore only the king, who ruled India, then, was Adhinayaka. That king was the king of British Empire.

3) Bharata Bhagya Vidhata is a Sanskrit word, which means the Maker, who was to decide the fate of India. India was, then, governed by that British King. Naturally the fate of India was in his hands. Therefore Bharata Bhagya Vidhata was no one else but the British Emperor. There was no Indian leader powerful enough to decide the fate of India. Therefore he must not have been applauded and victory wished for any Indian leader.

4) Some people say that Bharata Bhagya Vidhata, Adhinayaka means the president of the Indian Congress. But this idea is baseless. The statement in stanzas 2nd and 3rd go against that concept. In the second stanza Ravindra states, ‘ Pooraba Paschima Ase Tava Simhasana Pase’. It means that the east and the west are situated at your throne. No leader of India possessed throne, then. President of Indian Congress had no throne. No throne in the world had the east and the west near it, except the British throne, which ruled all over the world, from the east to the west. It was rightly said ‘the sun does not set on the British Empire’. Therefore this line specifically points to the British king.

5) Ravindra writes ‘ Tava Charane Nata Matha --- Oh, Rajeshwara’. It means that ‘my head bows before your feet, Oh king of kings.’ Ravindra salutes humbly before the king of kings or the emperor. There was no real king in India, then. Naturally there was no Rajeshwara, king of kings, in India to bow before him. There were many states and princes ruling over, but they were in pitiable condition, they were slaves. Thus there was no real king in India. The only king was the King of England, who ruled over India. Therefore it is clear that Ravindra prostrates before the British king.

6) ‘Gahe Tava Jaya Gatha’ says Ravindra. It means that he was singing a song of his victory. Who in India had conquered anything then? Whose victory drums Ravindra was beating? For whom victory song was sung by Ravindra? To sing victory song, there was only one king, and he was British emperor. Ravindra added his voice in the victory songs sung all over the world for the British emperor.

7) During 1911 there was tremendous effect of British supremacy over India and Indian people. Ravindra was definitely under the spell of that British effect. Its evidence I put that Ravindra had his Sir-name ‘Thakura’, but due to influence of English, he anglicised his Sir name and began writing ‘Tagore’. It was certainly the mental prostration before English style. In that mental state Ravindra must have composed the song in praise of British emperor.

8) Congress Government selected the song as national anthem in 1947, but it was against Truth. Hindusthana was divided in 1947 and Pakistan was born out of it. The remaining country was named as India or Bharat. That India did not contain Sindh, more than half of Punjab and Bengal. Then why the states Sindh, Punjaba and Bengal are inserted in the national anthem? If I were the President or the Prime Minister of Pakistan, I would have objected to inclusion of Sindh in the national anthem. Nobody has realised this Truth, so far.

9) In fact ‘Vande Mataram’ was accepted as the national anthem by all public, then. However, because some Muslims did not like to honour Indian state as their mother, they opposed Vande Mataram. Immediately Gandhi and Nehru succumbed to their pressure and changed the anthem.

10) Veer Sawarkar had already predicted in 1938 that Gandhi would insult and remove the national anthem Vande Mataram. The same happened nine years later.This article is not to insult the national anthem, but to expose the real Truth.

The song that it was composed for welcoming the British king.But i we should be proud for our national anthem because it declared as the "Best nation anthem" of the world it is announced by UNESCO.


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